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Winter 2015


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A primer on sizing…

Tim Barrett provides an overview of sizing terminology and sizing options for contemporary hand papermakers.

John Baty covers the chemistry of sizing in language that science-averse readers will enjoy and understand.

Simon Barcham Green recounts the history of sizing—from tannery discards to Aquapel—at his family’s Hayle Mill (with a sample of vintage, gelatin-sized paper).

Cathy Baker discusses nineteenth-century developments in paper sizing and their impacts on printing and other paper-based activities.

Victòria Rabal shares an historical paper sizing recipe from Catalonia.

Anna Vila, Silvia Centeno, Lisa Barro, and Nora Kennedy present findings from their investigations of the gum-dichromate photographic process and attendant practice of paper sizing by turn-of-the-century Pictorialist artists.

Russell Maret describes his Hungry Bibliophiles project, which employs the historical process of sizing paper after printing (with a pair of paper samples by Maret and Barrett).

Elena Osterwalder conveys her transformative experience viewing and handling the sixteenth-century Florentine Codex.

Sarah Kirk Hanley introduces us to the sculpture of Philadelphia–based artist Fritz Dietel.

Paul Wong reviews Leonardo Drew’s recent exhibition of new work he produced at Pace Paper.

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