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The Paper and Book Intensive 1989

Winter 1989
Winter 1989
, Number
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Now in its seventh year, Paper and Book Intensive (PBI) is a concentrated working session for specialists in the book arts, papermaking, and conservation. Daily hands-on sessions are combined with evening lectures and round-table discussions in a quiet retreat-like setting which promotes unusual levels of exchange, inspiration, and camaraderie.

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This year, PBI, held in August at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico, included two sessions devoted exclusively to papermaking: Nagashizuki, Ancient and Modern, with Don Farnsworth, which explored the use of traditional tools and materials for Japanese-style papermaking as well as recent innovations, such as the new Hilger vaccuum table, pigments, formation aids, and rapid flat drying using a dry mount press; and Really Big Paper, with Amanda Degener, in which participants produced 4 ft. by 8 ft. sheets of paper on site using inexpensive, low-tech equipment. All of the other sessions were concerned with some aspect of paper or books, including book and paper conservation, design and manufacture of type by hand, landscape drawing, and small edition planning. The program of evening lectures included one on the history of paper sizing, by Simon Green, proprietor of Hayle Mill, and Helen Frederick on book arts networking. Since the papermaking sessions included such professional papermakers as Tim Barrett, Pat Baldwin, Neal Bonham, and Claire van Vliet, every student was a teacher and every teacher a student. To get on the mailing list for information about next year's Intensive, to be held in eastern Maryland in late summer, co-sponsored by Pyramid Atlantic, write: Tim Barrett / PBI '90, School of Art and Art History, Iowa City, IA 52240.